Practical Completion
Inspections (PCI/Final)
…includes reinspecting previously reported defects!
The finishing line is approaching with hand-over about two weeks away. This is the all-encompassing grand final of inspections. The culmination of your hard work and planning.
Everything visible (from a safe working height) is open to scrutiny. The aim here is to identify defects both major and minor so that they can be addressed by the builder before you move in. One of our main objectives is to help ensure the health and amenity of the occupants – you and your family. This is in line with the ‘Objectives’ of the National Construction Code (the NCC).
Of course, we also inspect the dwelling in accordance with the inspection guidelines set out in the QBCC Standards and Tolerances Guide. Everything from paint to brick masonry defects are inspected. We know what to look for and where to find it.
Defects reported form the basis of your Practical Completion defects list.
Defective work falls into two main categories – Structural and Non-Structural.
The QBCC Home Warranty Insurance Scheme has strict timeframes for lodging complaints and the period of cover. For more information we strongly encourage you to visit the QBCC website or click the following link:
“The aim here is to identify legitimate defects so that they can be addressed by the builder before you move in.”
— Greg Jones, Director
Basic check list examples for our Final Inspections:
Defects from previous report if visible
Shower screens
Determine if the building has reached ‘Practical Completion’ in accordance with the contract definition
Waste pipes
Building perimeter including brickwork and external cladding.
Floor and wall tiling
Roof and roof gutters (from a ladder)
Lower-level roofs and gutters only
Workplace Health and Safety regulations do not permit us to climb on or inside the roof)
Next Inspection:
Post-Handover Inspection >