Pre-Slab Pour Inspection
This is perhaps the most critical inspection. This is partly due to the fact that in most cases the concrete is poured the very next day, effectively covering over and hiding potential defects, for good.
This is also the only stage of construction where your new home is actually inspected by the engineer. The difference between us and the engineer is that we have no affiliation with the builder. We work for you, and we care only about your home.
We not only locate the defective areas and poor workmanship, but we also show why it’s defective. Try getting that from your engineer or builder.
Due to the urgent nature of this stage of construction, our inspection report is treated with absolute priority and issued to both you and your site supervisor as soon as practicably possible following the inspection.
In most cases, defective areas can be rectified ahead of the pour.
Remember, this is the structural foundation of your new home and the platform for everything that follows.
“The pre-slab pour inspection is perhaps the most critical inspection of the entire construction.“
— Greg Jones, Director
Basic check list examples for our Pre-Slab Pour Inspections:
Reinforcing mesh and bar sizes are in accordance with the engineering plans
Edge and internal beam size and layout are in accordance with the engineering plans
Footings (trenches) when visible at the time of the inspection are as per the engineering plan
Visible and accessible aspects of the installation are in accordance with the Australian Standard AS 2870 – Residential Slabs and Footings, and the National Construction Code (NCC)
We are glad to assist the site supervisor and/or concretor’s by highlighting and explaining defective areas (if requested). Regardless, all defective areas noted during our inspection shall be clearly marked.
Next Inspection:
Frame Inspection Part 1 >